All Day Admission Reservation

This event is no longer on sale.

Sunday March 16

Other dates...

10:00 AM  –  5:00 PM

Admission is valid from 10 am-5 pm. Last entry at 4:30 pm.  


The Bruce Museum is happy to provide discounted admission to members of or participants in the following programs and organizations. For more information, please contact us at (203) 869-0376 ext. 311. AAA, Abilis, ASTC Passport, Bank of America Museums on Us, Blue Star Family, Building One, Connecticut Art Trail Passport, Fairfield/Westchester Museum Alliance Reciprocal Membership, Library Pass, Metro-North Getaway Package, Museums for All (EBT benefits)


If you are an employee of the following companies, please get in touch with us at (203) 869-0376, or, to make reservations: Bank of America, Berkeley One, JP Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, US Trust, Any Museum Employee.


Members, please sign-in with your email at the top right of this page to receive your discount. The discount will show upon check-out.